No Pets Yet

Do You Want S'more, Yet

Yet Trick and Treat

Yet What Did U Do

Mike Bocianowski

I see two major problems in the entertainment industry. The first is the focus on violent, morbid, overtly sexual themes, which tries to target an adolescent audience, but is viewed by all ages, and the second problem is the myth that it is cheaper to remake older properties and passing the properties off as new, instead of creating new properties. Families are not getting funny, engaging, fulfilling, original stories or characters.

I provide educational entertainment, filled with engaging storytelling and characters centered on family values, morals, ethics, and humor that are told in a whimsical fantasy setting. I create characters and stories that teach love, acceptance, teamwork, and creativity through stories that are told in an epic comic book way.

My stories challenge our beliefs about prejudice and acceptance and the human need for labels and categories using dragon-like animals (the Yets) that act like us.

What's a Yet???

The term Yet encompasses any fantasy creature of any shape or color and this is the metaphor for the human race. Since the name, "Yet" encompasses all fantasy creatures, the name can include any fantasy creation in the market.

The title, "Yets!" is the humorous hook. My characters consider the label, "dragon" as being derogatory and nobody can properly pronounce their real name, so they have adopted no name as of "Yet".